• Ergonomic use of work tools and equipment may largely prevent the musculoskeletal disorders.
  • When working with computers, your sitting position should be as shown.
  • The top of the monitor should be slightly below eye level.
  • The screen should be about arm’s length away, slightly below eye level (the font size may be enlarged to adjust the distance).
  • Rest your eyes at least every 30 minutes, do not forget to blink and your eyeglasses should be anti-reflective.
  • If you use display screen equipment for eight hours a day, to give your eyes a break in every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds would be an essential exercise for eye health (The 20/20/20 Rule).
  • An equal level of room and monitor brightness during usage of display screen equipment eliminates the risk of contracting eye diseases.
  • Sit straight, extend your arms on your eye level. If your fingertips touch the top of your monitor, then your monitor is placed correctly.
  • Try to keep your wrist straight when using the mouse. Otherwise, you may contract carpal tunnel syndrome.

Computer and Chair Exercises

15-20 seconds 2 times

15-20 saniye, iki kez

10-15 seconds

10 seconds

8-10 seconds each arm

10-15 seconds

3-5 seconds 3 times

10 seconds

10-15 seconds

15-20 seconds 2 times

15-20 saniye, iki kez

10-12 seconds each arm

8-10 seconds each arm

Drop your hands and shake

What you need to do for an ergonomic posture