An online training package has been prepared for students and researchers using laboratories, and the various risks are covered in separate modules.

Training Modules:

  • General Laboratory Safety
  • Chemical Risks
  • Biological Risks
  • Physical Risk Factors
  • Liquid Nitrogen
  • Compressed Gas Tanks
  • Laser Safety
  • Safety when Working with Radioactivity
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Health
  • Waste Management
  • Emergencies
  • Fire


The scheduling of training sessions:

  • At the beginning of semester/new registration: Users are expected to complete the training by the end of the first week of the semester. Security will deny card access to those laboratory users who have not completed their training on time. 
  • Those users who require the use of a different laboratory during the semester: The academic staff member responsible for the laboratory should communicate the names and the completion deadlines for the users who need to make use of a laboratory other than the one currently assigned to them.


The steps for implementing Laboratory Safety Online Training have been provided below:





1 The designation of the training modules specific to the laboratory. Responsible Academic Staff Member
2 The communication of lists of student/laboratory users who require the training and of the training modules to the Occupational Health and Safety Unit  Responsible Academic Staff Member
3 The upload of the designated training modules onto the Blackboard system Occupational Health and Safety Unit – KOLT 
4 The monitoring and the reporting of the completion of training modules  Occupational Health and Safety Unit 
5 Approval or cancellation of laboratory access cards on the system Security



General information:

  • The Laboratory Safety Training framework features different modules according to the risks. The addition of other modules specific to a particular laboratory is possible.
  • The instruction language is English.
  • Laboratory users are required to complete the training modules selected by the relevant laboratory manager before starting to work in the field.
  • There is an examination at the end of each module. If the exam score is below the passing grade of 70/100, the module must be repeated.
  • Before the beginning of the semester, the responsible academic staff member must communicate and renew the list of names for students or researchers who enrolled at the beginning of the Semester and for students or researchers who are still enrolled. Security card access will not be granted or will be revoked for those users who have not completed their training for a particular laboratory
  • You must log in to your openedX page to access the training.