Markings on Frames of Work Goggles


Goggle frames have letters and numbers mostly in the inner section or on either side. All work safety glass frames must comply with EN166 standards.


Markings related to the shape and design of the frame

3 – Provides protection against liquid dropping and splashes. Mostly found in the goggle type that is completely closed around the eyes.

4 – Provides protection against large dust particles (5 microns and above).

5 – Provides protection against small dust particles (5 microns and below).


Markings related to the durability of the goggle frames

S – Resistant against impact caused by small objects moving at 12 mt/s speed.

F – Resistant against impact caused by small objects moving at 45 mt/s speed.

B – Resistant against impact caused by small objects moving at 120 mt/s speed.

A – Resistant against impact caused by small objects moving at 190 mt/s speed.

T – Resistant against impact at extreme temperatures.


Markings on Work Goggle Lenses


Markings on Work Goggles Concerning Protection Against Radiation

2 – UV protection with a colored light filter that may alter color recognition (corresponding with EN 170)

2C or 3 – UV protection filter, allowing good color recognition (corresponding with EN 170)

4 – IR (infrared) protection (EN171). For example, protection from heat.

5 – Solar protection (EN172). Provides 100% UV sun glare protection but no IR (infrared) protection.

6 – Solar protection (EN172). Provides 100% UV sun glare protection and IR (infrared) protection.


Markings on lens shading filter (light transmission)

1.2 – Allows more than 74.4% light transmission (less than 100%)

1.7 – Allows more than 43.2% light transmission, but less than 58.1%

2.5 – Allows more than 17.8% light transmission, but less than 29.1%

3.1 – Allows more than 8.0% light transmission, but less than 17.8%


Markings expression optical quality

1 – Class 1 high optical quality. Suitable for continuous use, refractive power ± 0.06 diopter.

2 – Class 2 medium optical quality. Suitable for infrequent use, refractive power ± 0.12 diopter.

3 – Class 3 low optical quality. Suitable for use in extraordinary situations, refractive power ± 0.25 diopter.


Markings concerning the durability of the lens

F – Resistant against impact caused by small objects moving at 45 mt/s speed.

B – Resistant against impact caused by small objects moving at 120 mt/s speed.

A – Resistant against impact caused by small objects moving at 190 mt/s speed.

T – Resistant against impact at elevated heat.