Health Monitoring

The principal purpose of Koç University Health Center employee health services is to prevent potential work related health issues of academic and administrative staff, structure surveillance of staff health, preserve and promote staff’s health, and ensure a health and safe working environment.

Employment Stage

At the employment stage, employees are required to visit the responsible work doctor at the Health Center, fill in the health form and create a personal health record. All new employees are required to undergo Pre-Employment Health Check. As a result of this health check, the workplace doctor may request certain further medical examinations and tests. These procedures are significant for determining existing health problems of employees, assessing prevalence and planning of health services in accordance thereto as well as creating a base value to which subsequent assessments can be compared.

Under the Law on Occupational Health and Safety, all our staff undergo pre-employment as well as periodic health checks, and receive periodic trainings.

You can schedule an appointment with Koç University Health Center for your periodic health check by clicking here or by calling 1273.